About Us
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tincidunt nisl eu pulvinar convallis. Integer vestibulum, urna vel placerat condimentum, dolor diam tincidunt dolor.

Fusce lobortis neque quis est efficitur posuere. Duis fringil dapibus orci. Etiam tempor, risus at aliquet auctor, lectus velit pulvinar nisl, eget aliquam diam massa dignissim mi. Etiam tincidunt eget metus non varius. Vivamus luctus risus vel arcu gravida, non vehicula erat malesuada. Sed eu pretium mi.
Cras ut libero risus. Vivamus faucibus suscipit nisi. Nullam quis metus quis ante mollis pharetra. Quisque eu nulla laoreet, imperdiet orci nec, sagittis leo. Proin ac tortor aliquet lacus molestie semper.

Improve Shuttle Departmental Efficiency

Improve Your Customer Relationships

Generate Revenue
ShuttleNomix is committed to assisting the service department of the car dealership industry with these principles. That commitment permeates everything we do from the features we add to our software, our pilot program, our tutorials, even our company name.
ShuttleNomix is the marriage of shuttle and economics.
Our name alone is an indication that we are dedicated to helping you improve the economics of your shuttle department.

My name is Michael Carr.
I am the one who is making all these bold claims and promises. I have been a software engineer for over 30 years. Most of my career has been spent developing business applications. I am very familiar and well trained in going into a business, analyzing its information workflow and discovering its inefficiencies. I then write a document that explains the issues I have found and propose a solution. If the business owner gives me the green light, then I and the team I work with, design and implement a software application that fixes those issues. Throughout my career I have done this analysis, design and implementation a hundred times.
In the late 1990's I worked at a company called Global Music One in Santa Monica, California. In those days cell phones were still in the early stages of development. I was tasked with writing the phone software to download a music file (.mp3) from our servers and install it as the default ringtone. Even though I was a software engineer, I had never written code for the phone before. In those days, the tools that were available to write phone code were very limited which made this a technically challenging project. The most unusual and fascinating thing about that project was Shane Dewing the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) who figured out a marketing strategy to give away free ringtones and generate revenue. I could not have been more impressed with him. To me, that was a David Copperfield moment. The company went on to generate thousands and thousands of dollars by giving away free ringtones!
Fortunately, I learned the lesson well. Little did I know that two decades later, I would incorporate that same marketing strategy in ShuttleNomix to give away free shuttle rides and generate revenue.
Thank you Shane.
An Automated & Optimized, Revenue Generating
Shuttle Department With Improved CSI Scores
In 30 Days